Pre-Configured Core Test Sets

Cut your test set development time in half with an in-phase core test set
- Development TIME
- Development COST
- Manufacturing TIME
- Manufacturing COST
- Documentation TIME
- Documentation COST
- Completely designed Core Test Set to use across your entire enterprise
- Fully documented, obsolescent resistant, test system
- Reusable system that morphs to meet your future needs
An In-Phase Core Test Sets provide you with a solid foundation and hardware framework to build your test set. Our pre-engineered Core Test Sets provide a completely integrated test set including:
- A Set of COTS test equipment enclosed in an equipment enclosure with power and wire management systems, proper air flow and coiling
- High density interface with pre-defined signal pins
- LabVIEW instrument drivers designed for hardware abstraction.
- This comes with a complete documentation package for importing into your company’s configuration-controlled system.
All you need to do is design and manufacture your Interface Test Adapter (ITA)- The interface to your Unit Under Test. Then write your test measurement routines using our instrument calls from our supplied hardware abstraction layer driver library.
Simply choose one of our Core Test Set designs. Choose your measurement needs and frequencies/dynamic ranges. Choose an enclosure type (benchtophalf rack or full rack) Order your system and immediately receive a high density pin map for your ITA design, or simply use our engineering team to design and manufacture it for you. Receive our instrument driver calls and start to develop your test.
We have a CORE test set ready to meet your needs. We offer five Basic Core Test Set configurations
DIGITAL/ANALOG Core test set for testing: Avionics products, power supplies, LCR measurements, low frequency (<1GHz) boards), electronic loads, and much more.
Full TRANSCEIVER Core Test Set for testing radios (digital or analog), radars, altimeters, frequency translators, and their components.
AMPLIFER Core Test Set for testing high power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, medium power amplifiers, gain blocks, and more.
TRANSMITTER Core Test Set for testing all types of transmitters from analog to digital modulation.
RECEIVER Core Test Set for testing all types of receivers, including analog and digital modulation.